Enhancing security in RFID
- Publisher : Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Fen Bilimler Enstitüsü
- Author(s) : Ömer AYDIN
- Publishing Year : 2019
- Publishing Date : 2019-07-20
- Total Pages : 149
- Total Article View : 117
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- Open Access Book Url: http://www.izmirakademi.org/pdfViewer.php?f=EnhancingSecurityInRFID
- Book Abstract: Radio frequency identifying (RFID) is a general term defining systems for transmitting an object or an individual's identification data via radio waves without the use of cables. Radio frequency identifying tags have constraints on hardware and computation due to structural reasons. These constraints occur as a serious risk to the security systems. Considering such problems and system resource constraints, it is of utmost importance to build a structure that is resistant to current security threats. This thesis contains general information about the basic features of the RFID tags and wireless identification and sensing platform (WISP), which is a special passive RFID tag. According to this information, there were advised and proposed lightweight random number generators which is one of the most important issue for securing the communication between RFID tag and RFID reader. The randomness of the proposed random number generators has been tested by test suites such as ENT, Diehard, NIST and TestU01. With these random number generators which were successful in the tests, random numbers were generated which could be used in authentication protocol and encryption processes. In addition to all these, a new lightweight grouping proof authentication protocol (GPAPXL+) has been developed. GPAPXL+ uses a random number generator which was built in the scope of this thesis and named "xorshiftL+". The security analysis of the proposed grouping proof authentication protocol has been tested theoretically and also with a security testing software. This new protocol has been proven to be successful based on the analysis and test results and it was implemented on the WISP RFID tag.