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Anatolian Current Medical Journal
Volume:6 Issue:3
The relationship of serotonin level with syndrome X and coronary artery disease
İbrahim Aktaş
Hasan Arı
Mehmet Demir
Yasemin Üstündağ
Publication date :
Lobectomy and pneumonectomy in patients over 70 years of age for the treatment of lung cancer: evaluation of surgical outcomes
Mesut Buz
Selime Kahraman
Attila Özdemir
Talha Doğruyol
Berk Çimenoğlu
Recep Demirhan
Publication date :
Analysis of maxillary sinus volume of a group of population living on the southern border of Southeastern Anatolia
Mehmet Emin Doğan
Nurbanu Uluışık
Publication date :
Atherogenic plasma index is associated with ischemıc cerebrovascular events due to carotid artery disease
Muzaffer Aslan
Doğaç Okşen
Yunus Emre Yavuz
Çağdaş Kaynak
Publication date :
Long-term outcomes of cases after uvulopalatopharyngoplasty surgery: a retrospective study
Arzubetül Duran
Ali Vefa Yücetürk
Publication date :
Etiology in resistant hypertension
Yaşar Culha
Özkan Gülmez
Banu İşbilen Başok
Ferruh Kemal İşman
Aytekin Oğuz
Publication date :
Adjuvant denosumab treatment in patients with resectable high-risk giant cell tumor of bone
Arif Akyıldız
Rashad Ismayılov
Denizcan Güven
Elvin Chalabiyev
Najmaddin Abdurrahimli
Sercan Aksoy
Publication date :
Evalution of rabies risk contact cases
Murat Solmaz
Özhan Orhan
Publication date :
Dental caries from the past to the future: is it possible to reduce caries prevalence?
Enes Kara
Buse İpek
Publication date :