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Anatolian Current Medical Journal
Volume:6 Issue:4
Relationship between patellar resurfacing and postoperative anterior knee pain in total knee arthroplasty
Bedrettin Akar
Fatih Uğur
Tolga Kaplan
Mehmet Albayrak
Publication date :
The frequency and associated factors of pulmonary fibrosis by the twelfth month after community-acquired pneumonia
Mustafa İlteriş Bardakçı
Gülhan Albayrak
Müfide Arzu Özkarafakılı
Remzi Gediz
Publication date :
Evaluation of the effect of the quality and quantity of fluid drained due to pleural effusion on complications that may develop in intensive care unit
Melek Doğancı
Publication date :
Comparison of classical and anchorage methods in sacrospinous ligament fixation
Ramazan Adan
Fatih Şahin
Publication date :
Shunt options for normal pressure hydrocephalus: a comparison of complications, overdrainage rates and neurological outcomes between integra low flow regulated and Codman Hakim programmable shunts
Alper Türkkan
Ahmet Bekar
Publication date :
Empowering paramedics to save teeth: a comprehensive assessment of their knowledge and skills in managing dental traumas
Özgür Doğan
Melikşah Ural
Özge Doğan
Suat Serhan Altıntepe Doğan
İsmail Haktan Çelik
Publication date :
FGF-21 Level is higher in patients with breast cancer, a candidate for a new biomarker?
Zeynep Şahiner
Anara Karaca
Filiz Bakar Ateş
Gökhan Giray Akgül
Mehmet Ali Gülçelik
Neşe Ersöz Gülçelik
Publication date :
Predictors of ejection fraction recovery and baseline differences in patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy and dilated cardiomyopathy
Duygu İnan
Ayşe İrem Demirtola
Publication date :