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Bitki Koruma Bülteni
Volume:39 Issue:3
Türkiye nematod faunası için Tylenchidae (Tylenchida: Nematoda) familyasına bağlı yeni türler ve Malenchus bryophilus (Steiner, 1924) Andrassy, 1980`un taksonomik özellikleri
İ. Kepenekçi
E.M. Ökten
Publication date :
Investigations on the economic threshold of Rose leafroller, Archips rosanus (L.) (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae).
O. Ulu
A. Önuçar
Publication date :
Investigations on the possibility of mass-trapping technique for the control of Apple clearwing moth [ Synanthedon myopaeformis (Borkh.) (Lep.:Sesiidae) in Aegean Region.
A. Önuçar
O. Ulu
Publication date :
Problems and their solutions in the pickling cucumbers growing areas in the Aegean region: the implementation of the pests and phytotoxicity levels of some insecticides used.
P. Hıncal
N. Kaya
B. Hepdurgun
Publication date :
Studies on the protected bean pests, their natural enemies and their population developments in İzmir province.
N. Yaşarakıncı
P. Hıncal
Publication date :
İki noktalı kırmızı örümcek [(Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina:Tetranychidae)]`in fasulyenin (Phaseolus vulgaris L) besin kompozisyonu ve kuru madde ağırlığına etkileri
E. Koçak
İ. Erdal
Publication date :