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Ekonomi Politika ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi
Volume:9 Issue:4
Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Machine Learning Methods for Forecasting Green Bond Index: A Comparative Analysis
Yunus Emre Gür
Ahmed İhsan Şimşek
Emre Bulut
Publication date :
BIST 100 Endeksi Borsa İstanbul’un Genel Performansını Yansıtıyor mu?
Serkan Unal
Yasemin Yurtoğlu
Publication date :
The Relationship between Income Distribution, Inflation and Economic Growth: Examining the Asymmetric Relationship Based on the Kuznets Hypothesis with Fourier Functions
Serhat Alpağut
Publication date :
The Nexus between Renewable Energy, Economic Growth, and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Evidence from MS-VAR and MS-Granger Causality Methods
Ayça Büyükyılmaz Ercan
Metehan Ercan
Publication date :
Digital Financial Inclusion and its Determinants: Evidence from Türkiye
Tuğba Güz
Gülden Poyraz
Publication date :
Türkiye’de Devlet İç Borcu, Kredi Piyasası ve Dışlama Etkisi
Süleyman Kasal
Publication date :
Sovereign Risk and Implication of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Panel Data
Parla Onuk
Publication date :
Türkiye\\\'de Ekonomik Şoklar ve Krizler Bağlamında Enflasyon Öngörüsü: XGBOOST ve ARMA Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırması
Savaş Gayaker
Publication date :
Dijitalleşme ve Doğal Kaynak Laneti Yaklaşımı İlişkisi: OAPEC Ülkeleri
Sena Başar
Nurgün Topallı
Publication date :
Exploring the Impact of Economic Growth and Energy Consumption on Environmental Pollution in the TR90 Region: An Insight from the MMQR Approach
Vildan Yavuz Akinci
Korkmaz Yıldırım
Tunahan Hacıimamoğlu
Publication date :
Relative Financial Deprivation and Financial Satisfaction among Minimum Wage Earners in Türkiye: A Serial Mediation Analysis
Göknur Ersarı Taşkesen
Korhan Karacaoğlu
Publication date :
Threshold Effect of Inflation on the Relationship between Stock Market Index and Interest Rate
Kenan İlarslan
Publication date :
The Nexus between CDS Premiums and Exchange Rates: Evidence from BRICS Countries and Türkiye
Yüksel İltaş
Fatih Güzel
Publication date :
Analysis of Bitcoin Volatility during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Examination Using ARCH and GARCH Models
Ulaş Ünlü
Vildan Bayram
Publication date :
The Linkage between Economic Development and Income Distribution in MIST Countries: Panel ARDL Analysis
Ayşenur Tarakcıoğlu Altınay
Mustafa Batuhan Tufaner
İlyas Sözen
Publication date :