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International Journal of Energy Studies
Volume:9 Issue:1
Mind the gap between the economic effect of climate change and the reality
Çağla Oduncular
Fatma Dahın
Eylül Kabakçı Günay
Meltem Ince Yenilmez
Publication date :
Investigation of factors affecting photovoltaic thermal system efficiency
Sinan Dölek
Gökhan Arslan
Publication date :
A review of magnetic field assisted combustion
Ozan Öztürk
Murat Taştan
Publication date :
Estimation of the electricity to be generated at different wind speeds and turbines through fuzzy logic and ANN, A case study of Balıkesir
Zuleyha Ok Davarcı
Onur Akar
Publication date :
Hybrid axis wind turbine profile design
Çağatay Paçacı
Publication date :
Design and optimization of battery and thermal management system for AC photovoltaic energy module
Sahin Gullu
Issa Batarseh
Fahad Alaql
Publication date :
Numerical analysis of the journal bearings of Keban Hydroelectric Power Plant using different type nanofluids
Murat Öztürk
Erdem Çiftçi
Publication date :
Investigation of the performance of cathode supported solid oxide fuel cell with energy and exergy analysis at different operating temperatures
Serdar Halis
Nisa Nur Atak
Battal Doğan
Publication date :
Thermal management with double layered heat sink produced by direct metal laser sintering
Murat Parlak
Publication date :