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International Journal of Energy Studies
Volume:9 Issue:4
Enhanced droop control for off-grid and grid-tied scenarios in renewable energy systems
Sahin Gullu
Mohammad Nilian
Issa Batarseh
Publication date :
Parameters affecting energy production in hydroelectric power plants: A case study in Şırnak
Elif Nur Bilen
Edip Taşkesen
Publication date :
Assessment and prioritization of renewable energy alternatives to achieve sustainable development goals in Türkiye: Based on fuzzy AHP approach
Emre Akusta
Raif Cergibozan
Publication date :
Assessment of thermal comfort preferences of industrial facility workers
İsmail Caner
Şükran Özbağ
Nadir İlten
Publication date :
Determining the biomass energy potential derived from agricultural wastes in Uganda
Mohamedeltayib Omer Salih Eissa
Publication date :
Highway wind energy conversion with a savonius-darrieus hybrid turbine
Mehmet Bakırcı
Osama Ahmed Kazal
Publication date :
Design and simulation of a standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator using air as the working fluid
Netice Duman
Halil İbrahim Acar
Lutuf Ertürk
Publication date :
International hydrogen market meets blockchain: A new frontier in trade
Sofya Morozova
Arif Karabuğa
Zafer Utlu
Publication date :
New boron-containing microcapsule for energy storage with upgraded flame retardant properties
Timur Paçacı
Publication date :
An experimental research on the effect of infrared and carbon fiber film heater integration in heat pump food drying system on drying performance
Ümit İşkan
Ahmet Yüksel
Cüneyt Tunçkal
Publication date :
Experimental optimization of the SG6043 airfoil for horizontal axis wind turbine using Schmitz equations
Mehmet Seyhan
Himmet Erdi Tanürün
Publication date :
Numerical investigation on torque performance of darrieus-savonius hybrid designs
Mehmet Bakırcı
Publication date :
Evaluating machine learning techniques for fluid mechanics: Comparative analysis of accuracy and computational efficiency
Eyup Koçak
Publication date :
Energy outlook of Japan: A economic and econometric analysis
Rahmi İncekara
Beyhan İncekara
Publication date :
Experimental investigation of the synthesis gas purification using the PSA method to isolate hydrogen
Kemalcan Sevük
Berre Kümük
Mustafa İlbaş
Publication date :