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Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning
Volume:7 Issue:1
Development of an online evaluation awareness scale
Pınar Mihci Türker
Ömer Kirmaci
Emrah Kayabaşi
Erinç Karataş
Ebru Kiliç Çakmak
Serçin Karataş
Publication date :
The effect of metaverse technologies on education and human-computer interaction: A systematic analysis of the literature
Ümmühan Avci
Feyza Akgül
Publication date :
Examining of preparatory and first-year students’ online learning readiness and presence in English language courses
Fırat Keskin
Sevda Küçük
Publication date :
Examining preschool teacher’s use of social media in terms of their professional development
Neslihan Cansu Salihoglu
Abdullah Çetin
Publication date :
Reimagining education: Bridging artificial intelligence, transhumanism, and critical pedagogy
Tamer Sari
Funda Nayir
Aras Bozkurt
Publication date :
Adaptation of flexible thinking in learning scale to Turkish culture
Niyazi Aktaş
Süleyman Agah Demirgül
Iskender Volkan Sancar
Publication date :
The effect of web-based peer feedback on students’ writing achievement
Kenan Acarol
Publication date :
Educational technology in inclusive classrooms: Assessing teacher awareness and needs
Elif Polat
Simge Cepdibi Sibiç
Nazli Ceren Cirit
Sinan Hopcan
Yunus Emre Baştuğ
Publication date :
Measuring cognitive loads and attitudes of pre-service teachers in computer based testing environment
Mehmet Mevlüt Odaci
Erman Uzun
Publication date :