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Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine
Volume:7 Issue:2
Evaluation of styloid process elongation: a cross-sectional study
Berkan Altay
Elif Çoban
Şeyma Kale
Özlem Arık
Publication date :
Comparison of TAPP and TEP in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair
Ibrahim Halil Öcal
Burak Veli Ülger
Mustafa Öcal
Publication date :
Association between pancreatic lipase levels and coronavirus disease 2019
Canan Akkuş
Sanem Kayhan
Hakan Yılmaz
Hakan Demirci
Ilhan Karanlık
Cevdet Duran
Publication date :
The relationship between homocysteine and no-reflow phenomenon in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention
Timor Omar
Yavuz Karabağ
Metin Öğün
Inanç Artaç
Muammer Karakayalı
Doğan Iliş
Ayça Arslan
Cihan Dündar
Ibrahim Rencüzoğulları
Publication date :
Examining the relationship between object relations, relationship attachment and separation anxiety in adults with depressive tendencies
Büşra Yıldız
Kader Bahayi
Publication date :
Investigation of polypharmacy and potential drug-drug interactions in a group of hospitalized pediatric patients: a single-center study
Jale Akgöl
Ayşegül Bükülmez
Publication date :
Evaluation of occupational radiation dose due to 99mTc and 131I based examinations
Turan Şahmaran
Publication date :
ChatGPT in dentomaxillofacial radiology education
Hilal Peker Öztürk
Hakan Avsever
Buğra Şenel
Şükran Ayran
Mustafa Çağrı Peker
Hatice Seda Özgedik
Nurten Baysal
Publication date :
Incorporating Nigella sativa nanoemulsion into gelatin-guar gum films for enhanced healing of wound infections
Neslihan Mutlu
Publication date :
Commentary on mini dental implant insertions in children with ectodermal dysplasia
Funda Göker
Çiğdem Elbek Çubukçu
Publication date :
Meta-analytic review on the impact of factors that affect performance of malaria rapid diagnostic test in Africa
John Khamala Ongonda
Cyrus Ayieko
Stephen Miheso
Publication date :
Radiopacity evaluations of the novel calcium-silicate and glass-Ionomer-based materials
Yeşim Şeşen Uslu
Elif Çelebi
Meriç Berkman
Publication date :
Exercise benefits and barriers perceived by hemodialysis patients: relationship with fatigue and physical activity level
Fatma Cansu Aktaş Arslan
Tülin Düger
Publication date :
A comprehensive look at inflammation in RLS: assessing NLR, MLR, PLR, SII, SIRI, and microR
Idris Kocatürk
Özge Özen Gökmuharremoğlu
Publication date :
Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Rotavirus Infection Frequency in Children
Yunus Nas
Süveyda Gözüküçük
Publication date :
Frequency of seronegative cases in autoimmune hepatitis and their association with the systemic immune inflammation index
Nermin Mutlu Bilgiç
Publication date :