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Marmara Medical Journal
Volume:37 Issue:3
ChatGPT versus strabismus specialist on common questions about strabismus management: a comparative analysis of appropriateness and readability
Didem Dizdar Yigit
Aslan Aykut
Mehmet Orkun Sevik
Eren Çerman
Publication date :
The predictive value of HCT-CI and CCI comorbidity indices in predicting survival and mortality before allogeneic stem cell transplantation in acute leukemia patients: A single-centre experience
Ozlem Candan
Ali Yanigün
Derya Demirtas
Ahmet Mert Yanık
Meral Uluköylü Mengüç
Ceren Uzunoğlu Güren
Seçil Salim
Fatma Geçgel
Fergun Yilmaz
Işık Atagündüz
Ayşe Tülin Tuğlular
Tayfur Toptas
Publication date :
The impact of vitamin D deficiency on treatment success of cervical interlaminar epidural steroid injection
Savaş Şencan
Rekib Sacaklidir
Asya Ozen Dogan
Oguzhan Akgunoglu
Bahadir Dokumaci
Mustafa Alsadah
Osman Hakan Gündüz
Publication date :
Protective effects of saffron, safranal and crocin administration on vitamins (A, D, E, K) and protein carbonyl levels against CCI4- induced oxidative damage in rats
Ahmet Bakır
Damla Yıldız
Suat Ekin
Gokhan Oto
İbrahim Aras
İrfan Bayram
Publication date :
Evaluation of sleep quality in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Aslı Yaman Kula
Duhan Kanmaz
Publication date :
Carotid intima-media thickness correlated with age and pulse wave velocity in ANCA-associated vasculitis patients
Tuba Nur Izgi
Dilek Barutcu Atas
Halil Atas
Can Ilgın
Arzu Velioglu
İzzet Hakkı Arıkan
Fatma Alibaz Öner
Haner Direskeneli
Serhan Tuğlular
Ebru Aşıcıoğlu
Publication date :
The relationship between sacroiliac joint MRI scores and central sensitization in axial spondyloarthritis: A cross-sectional study
Feyza Nur Yücel
Halise Hande Gezer
Mehmet Tuncay Duruöz
Publication date :
The utility of biomarkers to predict steroid response in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
Neslihan Çiçek
İbrahim Gökçe
Serçin Güven
Ali Yaman
Harika Alpay
Publication date :
A two-headed accessory muscle on the sole of the foot
Hatice Efekan
Elif Zeren
Nermin Yasinoğlu
Ural Verimli
Yasin Arifoğlu
Özlem Kirazlı
Publication date :
Canal to calcar ratio is associated with lumbar compression fractures
Erdi İmre
Eren İmre
Publication date :
Adenovirus pneumonia in an immunocompetent patient : A case report
Duygu Vezir
Özlem Alkan
Nihal Merve Çankaya
Zekaver Odabaşı
Emel Eryüksel
Publication date :
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and specific learning disability co-occurring in a case with Silver-Russell syndrome
Nagehan Deniz Varol
Borte Gurbuz Ozgur
Ahmet Anik
Hatice Bağdatlı Aksu
Publication date :
Infections in ANCA-associated vasculitis and lupus nephritis treated with rituximab
Sultan Gözde Temiz
Dilek Barutcu Atas
Fatma Alibaz Öner
Arzu Velioglu
İzzet Hakkı Arıkan
Serhan Tuğlular
Haner Direskeneli
Ebru Aşıcıoğlu
Publication date :
Incidence and risk factors of radial artery spasm during distal radial angiography
Raif Kılıç
Tuncay Güzel
Murat Demirci
Publication date :
Physical activity in the treatment of primary insomnia
Kamal Mezian
Laura Hrehová
Publication date :
Long-term follow-up of infective endocarditis: Rates of reinfection, mortality, and predictors of outcome
Mehmet Altunova
Recep Gülmez
Hicaz Zincirkiran Ağuş
Tugba Aktemur
Serpil Öztürk
Ali Evsen
Yusuf Demir
Uğur Köktürk
Mehmet Köseoğlu
Gamze Babur Güler
Publication date :
Mesenteric panniculitis: Prevalence, imaging findings, relation with malignancy, comparison with control group and six-year follow-up
Erdem Yılmaz
Muhammet Göktaş
Publication date :
Is aortic elasticity associated with hydration status in stage of chronic renal disease in children?
Özlem Sarısoy
Şule Arıcı
Ece Demirci Bodur
Oguzhan Tezel
Harika Alpay
Figen Akalın
Publication date :
Outcome of Ewing sarcoma in children: Twenty years experience from a single center
Nurşah Eker
Gizem Tanali
Ömer Sofulu
Zerrin Ozgen
Kemal Turkoz
Ayse Gulnur Tokuc
Publication date :
Evaluation of balance disorder and associated factors in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
Alparslan Ali İzki
Halim Yılmaz
Hamit Göksu
Publication date :
Effects of extracorporeal photopheresis on survival in chronic graft versus host disease
Ahmet Kaya
Mehmet Ali Erkurt
İrfan Kuku
Emin Kaya
İlhami Berber
Soykan Biçim
Süleyman Arslan
Ayse Uysal
Fatma Hilal Yagın
Publication date :
Exam-related changes in salivary oxytocin and cortisol levels of preclinical medical students
Sinem Yıldız İnanıcı
Sevil Arabacı Tamer
Faize Elif Bahadır
Sibel Sakarya
Berrak Yegen
Publication date :