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Soil Studies
Volume:13 Issue:2
Determination of the direct runoff using the soil conservation service curve number method and its applicability to Lüleburgaz Sub-Basin (Thrace Region)
Murat Beren
Hakan Hoşgörmez
Publication date :
Development and dissemination of precision agriculture practices for wheat in Central Anatolia
Turgay Polat
Hakan Yıldız
Metin Aydoğdu
Mehmet Keçeci
Armağan Aloe Karabulut
Öztekin Urla
Ahmet Çolak
Bahattin Akdemir
Ufuk Türker
Uğur Yegül
Publication date :
Impact of climate change on olive suitability areas
Hakan Yıldız
Belgin Alsancak Sırlı
Doğan Doğan
Metin Aydoğdu
Publication date :
Evaluation of some physical properties of cattle manure
Zeynep Demirel Atasoy
Özümcan Atasoy
Publication date :
Soil and water management perspectives for tropical and dryland areas of Africa
Suleiman Usman
Publication date :
Biostimulants for sustainable agriculture in forage crops
Nurbaki Akdağ
Cengiz Sancak
Cansu Telci Kahramanoğulları
Publication date :