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Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi
Volume:18 Issue:4
Early Period Assessment of the Nutritional Status of Child Patients in the Earthquake Zone
Yunus Emre İnce
Hasan Salih Yüzdemir
Publication date :
Evaluation of the Effect of Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy on Electrolytes and Acidosis Resolution Time in Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Müge Sezer
Can Demir Karacan
Nilden Tuygun
Saliha Şenel
Publication date :
Neurogenic Bladder: A Rare Autonomic Sign in a Patient With Preserved Speech Variant (Zappella Variant) Rett Syndrome
Özge Tanıdır Artan
Büşranur Çavdarlı
Umut Selda Bayrakçı
Bilge Karabulut
Aydan Değerliyurt
Publication date :
Sodium Taurocolate Cotransporting Polypeptide Mutation Associated Transaminase Elevation
Zeynep Begüm Erensoy Karagül
Coskun Firat Özkeçeci
Melike Arslan
Edibe Gözde Başaran
Yasin Maruf Ergen
Necati Balam
Publication date :
Thyroid Functions and Thyroid Lesions in Children with Hodgkin Lymphoma and Central Nervous System Tumors Who Received Radiotherapy to the Head and Neck Region
Emre Sanrı
Gülfer Akça
Aslıhan Sanrı
Suna Emir
Publication date :
Evaluation of the Frequency of Asthma Attack and Disease Severity in Children in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Funda Kurt
Halise Akça
Ayla Akca Çağlar
Azize Pınar Metbulut
Şule Büyük Yaytokgil
Gülsüm İclal Bayhan
Emine Dibek Mısırlıoğlu
Publication date :
Reflections of Children Victims of the Turkey Earthquake on February 6, 2023 to a Pediatric Emergency Department Far Away
Bilge Akkaya
Betül Öztürk
Cihan İnan
Muhammed Mustafa Güneylioğlu
Raziye Merve Yaradılmış
Orkun Aydın
Yüksel Hakan Aydoğmuş
Ali Güngör
Ferit Kulalı
Nilden Tuygun
Publication date :
Neonatal Outcomes in Different Maternal Diabetes Types: Experience from a Tertiary Care Unit
Aylin Avdan
Gülçin Seyhun Türkoğlu
İrem Altınışık
Fatma Nur Sarı
İbrahim İlker Çetin
Evrim Alyamac Dizdar
Publication date :
Characteristics of Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions in Children: A Retrospective Analysis in an Allergy Outpatient Clinic
Şule Büyük Yaytokgil
Emine Vezir
Publication date :
Language Delay in Children
Funda Akpınar
Pelin Çelik
Publication date :