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Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi
Volume:21 Issue:84
Abdullah HAMIDADDIN (Editor), The Huthi Movement in Yemen: Ideology, Ambition, and Security in the Arab Gulf (London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023)
Betül Doğan Akkaş
Publication date :
Yves SCHEMEIL, The Making of the World: How International Organizations Shape Our Future (Opladen, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2023)
Asiye Gün Güneş Gülal
Publication date :
Arda ÖZKAN and Göktürk TÜYSÜZOĞLU (ed.), Security Studies: Classic to Post-Modern Approaches (Lanham, Maryland, Lexington Books, 2023)
Vildan Meydan
Publication date :
Pınar BEDİRHANOGLU, Çağlar DÖLEK, Funda HÜLAGÜ and Özlem KAYGUSUZ (Eds.), Turkey’s New State in the Making: Transformations in Legality, Economy, and Coercion (London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020)
Nurhayat Kavrak
Publication date :
Undoing a Hybrid Regime: What Lessons can be Extracted from the Case of North Macedonia?
Nazif Mandacı
Publication date :
Impact of the Montreal Protocol on Decision-Making Processes for Participation: A Case Study of Türkiye
Sefa Öztürk
Publication date :
Citizenship Hierarchies: Talent Programs, Commodification Debates and Citizenship at the Nexus of Market and Desirability Logics
Özlem Altan
Evren Balta
Publication date :
From Arming to Fighting? The Steps to War, Mutual Military Buildups and Dispute Onset in the Greece-Ottoman Empire/Turkey Rivalries
Ioannis Nioutsikos
Konstantinos Travlos
Magdalini Daskalopoulou
Publication date :
Financial Turmoil, Uncertainty, and Institutions: Turkey’s Political Economy in Crises
Serhan Yalçiner
Publication date :