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Journal of Advances in VetBio Science and Techniques
Volume:9 Issue:1
The effects of short and long-term progesterone applications on reproductive values in Kıvırcık sheep in the anoestrus period
Sait Kırkpınar
Mehmet Bozkurt Ataman
Publication date :
Effects of prophylactic propylene glycol administration at calving on subclinical ketosis in Holstein dairy cows
Kemal Aksoy
Abdülkerim Deniz
Publication date :
The antidepressant efficacy of flurbiprofen in mice: Behavioural assessment
Naktal Alberfkani
Ahmed Naser
Publication date :
Determination of water characteristics of trout farms for organic farming in Feke
Zeynep Erçen
Arzu Özlüer Hunt
Şefik Surhan Tabakoğlu
Evsen Yavuz Güzel
Fatma Çevik
Publication date :
Characterization of physical and chemical properties of honey from Northeastern Anatolia of Türkiye
Serap Kılıç Altun
Mehmet Emin Aydemir
Publication date :
PAEP gene restriction fragment length polymorphism and its effects on milk composition in cross-bred Hamdani sheep
Ali Osman Turgut
Erman Gülendağ
Davut Koca
Sefa Üner
Publication date :
Examining honey production with Geographic Information Systems (GIS): The example of Ordu province
Emre Arslan
Tuba Bayir
Seref Inal
Publication date :
A case of Brucellosis with neurological and dermatological findings in a thoroughbred Arabian horse
Erdoğan Uzlu
Feyyaz Kaya
Bilge Kaan
Fatmanur Özkurşun
Ziya İlhan
Publication date :
Histopathological and biochemical Effects of 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid application on lipopolysaccharide-induced kidney toxicity in rats
Elif Erbaş
Volkan Gelen
Seda Yakut
Publication date :
The effect of letrozole on liver function and some biochemical parameters in rats
Turgut Dolanbay
Mustafa Makav
Abdussamed Vural
Mustafa Oguz Cumaoglu
Ömer Yüceer
Lale Başer
Hatice Tetik Metin
Publication date :