- Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
- Volume:30 Issue:2
- Production and Characterization of bacterial cellulose from Komagataeibacter xylinus S4 strain
Production and Characterization of bacterial cellulose from Komagataeibacter xylinus S4 strain
Authors : Nazime Dogan, Burak Top, Naime Nur Bozbeyoğlu Kart, Duygu Takanoğlu Bulut, Orhan Karabulut, Erdal Uğuzdoğan
Pages : 271-281
View : 40 | Download : 61
Publication Date : 2024-04-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :In this study, bacterial cellulose (BC) was obtained from Komagataeibacter xylinus S4 and characterized in detail. The effects of a various of carbon sources and media, different pH conditions, incubation temperatures, Surface area/Volume ratios, and incubation durations were determined for BC production. Considering the carbon types, the amount of BC production from high to low was realized as sucrose, fructose, mannitol, xylose, arabinose, and lactose. The highest BC amount (1.303 g/L) was achieved by combining M1A05P5 broth, 30 °C, 1.06 cm-1 Surface area/Volume ratio, pH 3.5 and 21 days. According to scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis, the cellulose fibril diameters were 34.87-45.97 nm at pH 3.5 and 29.71-102.3 nm at pH 6.5 in M1A05P5. Also, TGA analysis exhibited that the weight loss of BC in the removal of water step initialized between 50 °C and 150 °C and the degradation step initialized between 215 °C and 228 °C. Finally, the electrical conductivity values of the BC samples were determined on the 27-137 °C temperature scale. It was observed that the conductivity was temperature dependent, and the conductivity increased exponentially as the temperature increased. In conclusion, the cellulose from K. xylinus S4 typically showed a semiconducting behavior.Keywords : Bakteriyel selüloz, Yerel izolat, Karbon kaynaklari, Elektriksel iletkenlik, Termal analiz, SEM