- Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi
- Volume:2 Issue:32
- Fachsprache ´Linguistik´ in der universitären Kommunikation: explizite und implizite Autorisierung s...
Fachsprache ´Linguistik´ in der universitären Kommunikation: explizite und implizite Autorisierung sprachwissenschaftlicher Texte
Authors : Sergey NEFEDOV
Pages : 17-33
View : 23 | Download : 9
Publication Date : 2015-03-31
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Sublanguage ‘linguistics’ in universitary communication: Explicit and implicit authorisation of scientific texts This paper deals with authorisation aspect of German scientific text observed in a sample of linguistic monographs and articles. This author-referred plan includes two complementary dimensions: explicit and implicit. As far as the explicit speaker deixis is concerned, it is expressed by the personal pronouns ´ich´ and ´wir´ and their case forms. The text frequency of these pronouns works out at 2,5 % of the total number of the text predications examined in the sample (188 from 7356). These data allows us to justify the limitations of so-called “prohibition of authorisation” / “das Ich-Verbot” for scientific texts and to explicate the pragmatic conditions for the author´s transition from the distanced argumentative presentation to the authorized text perspective. The explicit authorized predications are not given in the texts randomly, but are characterized by their selectivity to the text parts with a certain communicative intention and adapted to the purposes of scientific communication. On the other hand the speaker deixis does not usually have a separate explicit expression in the scientific text structure, but it is incorporated in the semantics of modal and epistemic components, rational assessment elements, names of intellectual actions and operations of the researcher, connecting markers etc. Repeating recursively, they imply a reference to the position and viewpoint of the author in the context of epistemic research situation, forming together with explicit speaker-referred forms a single integrated plan of scientific text authorisation. Keywords: language of science, scientific linguistic text, maxims of scientific communication, explicit speaker deixis, implicit authorisationKeywords : language of science, scientific linguistic text, maxims of scientific communication, explicit speaker deixis, implicit authorisation