- RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Issue:16
- Gender, meta-discourse and stylistic appropriateness in English writing
Gender, meta-discourse and stylistic appropriateness in English writing
Authors : Cüneyt DEMİR
Pages : 148-159
View : 10 | Download : 5
Publication Date : 2019-09-21
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Academic writing is important for writers to persuade readers on their claims, which is why the literature is full of studies aiming to improve academic writing and making suggestions regarding how the writing style should be. However, the missing point as to this important issue is that they largely investigate the issue of writing in terms of linguistic, and overlook the extralinguistic factors, or merely investigate a single issue without considering its ensuing ramifications; for example, gender effect on discourse. On the other hand, this study investigates gender effect together with its possible impact on the change of discourse and the style of writing which is crucial to have an impact on the audience. Also, this study aims to draw attention on extralinguistic factors affecting academic writing. This study showed that academic writing is not independent of the effect of gender because the discourse style of a female and male author seems to be different from each other. Furthermore, apart from the effect of gender, extralinguistic factors like social and intrapersonal parameters play an important role in determining the discourse of the author, and accordingly the writing style. This study calls further studies in order to reveal rhetoric differences and the effect of gender on more specific linguistic components.Keywords : Gender, discourse, academic writing, style