- Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
- Issue:27
- The Effects of Reflective Inquiry Based Activities’ on Preservice Science Teachers’ Biology Laborato...
The Effects of Reflective Inquiry Based Activities’ on Preservice Science Teachers’ Biology Laboratory Concerns and Critical Thinking Dispositions
Authors : Fatma ŞAHİN, Seda USTA GEZER
Pages : 25-50
View : 15 | Download : 8
Publication Date : 2014-05-26
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This study aims to investigate the effects of Reflective Inquiry Based General Biology Laboratory activities’ on science teachers` concerns and critical thinking dispositions. It was conducted in the spring semester of 2010‐2011 academic year, a state university in Istanbul Faculty of Education Science Teaching Program with second‐grade students. The study group was consisted of a total of 66 teachers which 36 of them control group and 30 of them the experimental group. The study was carried out by researchers at General Biology II Laboratory Course, for `Photosynthesis,` Respiration `and` Germination `issues to be 2 hours per week by reflective inquiry approach to the experimental group and by traditional approach to.the control group. A significant increase found in critical thinking dispositions of experimental group preservice science teachers. The biology laboratory concerns didn’t effected neither by reflective inquiry nor by traditional approach.Keywords : Reflective Inquiry, 5E Model, Science Teacher Education, General Biology Laboratory, Inquiry Types