A Content Analysis of the Metaverse Articles
Authors : Nida GÖKÇE NARİN
Pages : 17-24
View : 52 | Download : 14
Publication Date : 2021-12-31
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Metaverse, which was first defined as fictional about 20 years ago, refers to a virtual universe where people feel entirely mentally with engaged augmented virtual reality devices today. The first applications of metaverse were computer games consisting of virtual worlds. Gaming companies were racing to offer more unique experiences to their users. With social media giants and big technology companies announcing the metaverse as the future of the internet, it started to attract the attention of the wider masses. The concept of metaverse has been the subject of academic studies in many different fields, from literature to art, from music to education over the years. In this review article, a total of 40 journal articles containing the "metaverse" keyword in all fields in the Web of Science database were examined in terms of content and method. The outputs of this study provide a piece of brief information about the research area to both researchers and technology developers.Keywords : metaverse, content analysis, second life, virtual worlds