Stabilities of Some Local Pea Lines
Authors : Reyhan KARAYEL, Hatice BOZOĞLU
Pages : 83-89
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Publication Date : 2022-02-25
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This study was conducted to determine the stabilities and adaptation classes of edible pea lines, which will be cultivated in mild climate regions. Twenty local pea lines selected in previous breeding studies and 6 control varieties were used. The seeds of pea lines were sowed in 4 different locations in 2 sowing times. The experiment was conducted according to the Augmented design. Adaptation classes and stabilities of pea lines and varieties were determined based on fresh pod yield, fresh seed yield and dry seed yield. The mean of fresh pod yield was found as 1185.7 kg da-1. Stable variety was not determined in terms of fresh pod yield among control varieties, which was conducted in the conclusion of evaluation as determining regression coefficient and average reliability. The average of varieties’ fresh seed yield was 693.8 kg da-1, Klein variety showed medium adaptation for all regions. It was found that 3 lines insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(B15, B33, and B36); among used ones were placed at the same statistically group with this variety. The average of dry seed yield was 267.1 kg da-1 in the experiment, and Klein, Further, Green Pearl, and Lancet varieties were identified as stable varieties in the conclusion of stability analysis. B6, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, B18, B32, B40 and B42 lines that involved in the same statistically group with these varieties identified were as stable. In the conclusion of the overall evaluation of the experiment, it was found that B6 and B32 lines could be candidates for variety.Keywords : Pea, Stability, Yield, Adaptation Classes