- Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi
- Volume:20 Issue:2
- Biomass Energy Potential from Agricultural Production in Libya
Biomass Energy Potential from Agricultural Production in Libya
Authors : Mohamedeltayib Omer Salih Eissa, Gürkan A. K. Gürdil, Laith Ghanem, Bahadır Demirel
Pages : 61-71
View : 78 | Download : 53
Publication Date : 2024-08-29
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :The purpose of this study is to assess the potential for agricultural residues in Libya in terms of type and quantity. Some of the biomass resources in Libya include agricultural residues, such as crop residues and animal manure, as well as organic waste from industries and municipalities. Using production data from the Food and Agriculture Organization Statistical Databases of the United Nations (FAOSTAT) for the 2021 seasonal year, the amounts of crops grown in Libya measured in tons of dry matter annually, were computed and the residue to product ratio was used to calculate the annual gross potential of agricultural residues. The calorific values of agricultural residues were multiplied by the amount of residue that was available to determine the energy potential of crop residues. Roughly 4.5 kilo tons of agricultural crop waste were left over after harvest. It was discovered that for Libya\'s production season of 2021, the total calorific value of agricultural residue was around 17.7 TJ. Major crops that are included in the ratio of the total residue amount are potatoes (40.33%), wheat (33.9%), barely (22.5%), and maize (1.9%). This paper gives an overview of the agricultural waste that can be used in Libya as a source of biomass energy, utilizing waste as a feedstock lowers the pollution that comes from burning fossil fuels to produce energy.Keywords : tarım, yenilenebilir enerji, atık, ısıl değer, Libya