- Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
- Volume:21 Issue:3
- Factor Determining the Smallholder Farmer’s Perception on Organic Farming: A Case of Makmur Sejahter...
Factor Determining the Smallholder Farmer’s Perception on Organic Farming: A Case of Makmur Sejahtera Farmers Group, Batu City, Indonesia
Authors : Annisa Firdauzi, Titik Ekowati, Agus Subhan Prasetyo, Joko Mariyono
Pages : 722-731
View : 44 | Download : 80
Publication Date : 2024-05-27
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :The perception of farmers in dealing with the phenomenon of climate change is to minimize the impact of reducing the productivity of agricultural products. Climate change which has an impact on the agricultural sector is also caused by unsustainable agricultural practices. Several studies have examined the adoption of organic farming innovations that are sustainable from an environmental aspect and increase farmer income. However, there has been no research on farmers\' knowledge and perceptions of implementing organic farming as a climate change adaptation strategy. This research aims to analyze the factors that shape farmers\' negative perceptions of organic farming and characteristics of the farmers. The sampling technique in this research uses a probability sampling approach with a total of 80 farmers with interviews using two languages, namely Javanese (local language) and Indonesian to make it easier to understand the research questions. This research used Second Order CFA with WarpPLS 5.0. The basic theory that is found in this study is farmers pay more attention to the attributes of innovation, observability of yields, and access to information. Farmers in Makmur Sejahtera Farmers Group are classified as laggards and late majority. The visible results from the demo plot of organic farming are lower than the results from land that applies conventional farming. Farmers prefer to use pesticides and chemical fertilizers to deal with pest explosions due to climate change. Based on the results, the adoption of organic farming for an adaptive climate change impact with a management policy was recommended.Keywords : Climate change, Confirmatory factor analysis, Innovation adoption, Laggard, Negative perception