- Turizm ve İşletme Bilimleri Dergisi
- Volume:3 Issue:2
- A Conceptual Study On The Dıfferences Between The Leadershıp Behavıors Of Female And Male Managers I...
A Conceptual Study On The Dıfferences Between The Leadershıp Behavıors Of Female And Male Managers In The Tourısm Sector
Authors : Hasibe YAZIT
Pages : 199-210
View : 26 | Download : 45
Publication Date : 2023-07-31
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :With the Industrial Revolution, it is seen that women enter the working life economically. Apart from being a wife and mother, there are some factors that enable women to enter the working life economically. Especially after the Second World War, with the decrease in the male population, the need for the working workforce increased and it can be said that this situation enables women to take more part in business life. The main purpose of the study is to explain the differences, if any, in the leadership behaviors of male and female managers in working life and the reasons for these differences by considering them in the tourism sector. There are many studies in the literature on management, leadership behaviors of managers, and leadership characteristics. This study is important in terms of considering the differences between the leadership behaviors of male and female managers in the tourism sector. In addition, it is examined whether there are differences in this regard abroad and in Turkey, and if there are differences, the reasons for them are tried to be explained. In the literature, it has been seen that there are very few studies that deal with the subject in tourism specific. The study was carried out by conducting a literature search. And after the literature research, it has been determined that there are significant differences between the leadership behaviors of male and female managers. As the most important differences, while acting according to the more democratic leadership style of women; It can be said that men mostly act according to the autocratic leadership style.Keywords : Leader, Leadership, Female Male leadership, Tourism, Leadership and Management