Urla Peninsula in the Neolithic Period
Authors : Tayfun Caymaz
Pages : 25-48
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Publication Date : 2024-07-31
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :The Urla Peninsula has been an attractive area for human settlement since ancient times due to its mild climate, fertile soils and maritime opportunities. The extensive excavations and researches that have been done since 1990s have provided crucial insights about prehistoric and historical periods of the area. This paper aims to clarify the cultural developments in this area in the Neolithic period while making primarily use of the archaeological researches. This study was based on the data essentially obtained in the surface surveys conducted by us. In additionally, findings of excavations and other surveys on the peninsula, were also evaluated. Cultural and chronological assessments are based on the İzmir region’s stratigraphic data from Ulucak, Ege Gübre and Yeşilova. Researches in these settlements brings to a mind the process beginning in the Aceramic period expanding approximately one thousand years. The data obtained from this process has been derived from the fertile plain settlements of Tepeüstü and Çakallar. Findings at Urla İskelesi and Çeşme-Bozalan indicate that Neolithic settlements were located in coastal regions, too. Red slipped ware constitutes a significant part of the artefacts which were recovered during the researches. Other important archaeological finds are stone tools such as grinding stones and polished axes, as well as flint and obsidian cores, blades, and scrapers. The data on hand demonstrated the last phases of the Neolithic, namely the Late Neolithic. During this time, existing settlements were expanded, new settlements were established, and economic activities were increased in the İzmir region. It has been also indicated the radiocarbon results roughly corresponds to the first quarter of the 6th millennium BC.Keywords : Bozalan, Çakallar, Late Neolithic, Red Slipped Burnished Ware, Tepeüstü