- Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi
- Volume:16 Issue:1
- Analyzing the attitudes of elite wrestlers related to the use of doping
Analyzing the attitudes of elite wrestlers related to the use of doping
Authors : Unal TURKCAPAR, Mine KOC, Mustafa KOC
Pages : 128-134
View : 12 | Download : 5
Publication Date : 2014-06-05
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :Thepurpose of thisstudy is toanalyzetheattitudes of elite Turkishwrestlersrelatedtotheuse of doping. Thestudygroup of theresearchincludedfreestyleandGreco-Roman insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(cadet, junior,andsenior); 180 Turkishwrestlers in 2013 wrestling World Championship National Team trainingcamps. Inordertomeasuretheattitudes of wrestlers, “TheAttitudeScaleRelatedtotheUse of Doping” developedbyŞapcı insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(2010); insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(3);, and “Personal Information Form” developedby us wereused. Accordingtotheresearchfindings, in thesub-dimension of theattitudescale, “I disapprovetrainers` encouragingtheathletesupontheuse of doping” had thelowestand “Use of doping causesunfaircompetitionamongtheathletes” had thehighestscore. Incomparisonsaccordingtothevariables, whereasnosignificantdifferencewasfound in terms of style, diet, usingnutritionalsupportproduct, beingnational, caringfordiet; significantdifferenceswerenoticed in terms of beingcontrolled of doping, category, level of education, andage of sports. Consequently, it can be saidthatattitudescores of elite wrestlersrelatedtotheuse of doping arehighandtheirattitude is positive.Keywords : Doping, wrestling, attitude, sports