- Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi
- COVID-19
Authors : İkbal Ok Bozkaya OK BOZKAYA, Namık Yaşar ÖZBEK
Pages : 51-54
View : 16 | Download : 11
Publication Date : 2020-07-24
Article Type : Review Paper
Abstract :Coronavirus 2 insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(SARS-CoV-2);, which started in December 2019 in Wuhan province in China and caused serious respiratory infections in humans, was accepted as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The disease from SARS-CoV-2 is called COVID-19. In a short period of five months, approximately 4 million people were infected and 300 thousand people died from this disease. To date, no specific therapeutic agents or prophylaxis for COVID-19 are available, so it is among the passive immunization treatment options with the plasma of patients who recover from the disease. Convalescent plasma therapy has been used in epidemic periods in the past and has been shown to be effective. Neutralizing antibodies in plasma contributes to recovery by inactivating the virus. In the literature, there are 4 publications presenting a total of 21 patients receiving convalescent plasma. They reported that the patients benefited from the treatment of convalescent plasma and that there were no complications. Studies have been initiated about convalescent plasma all over the world and their results are interestedly awaited.Keywords : Konvalesan plasma, İmmün plazma, COVID 19, SARS CoV 2