- Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
- Volume:29 Issue:1
- Pre-service Science Teachers’ Self-efficacy Beliefs to Teach Socio-scientific Issues
Pre-service Science Teachers’ Self-efficacy Beliefs to Teach Socio-scientific Issues
Authors : Ebru Z. Muğaloğlu, Zerrin Doğança Küçük, Devrim Güven
Pages : 0-0
View : 17 | Download : 11
Publication Date : 2016-06-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This study aims to examine self-efficacy of pre-service science teachers to teach socio-scientific issues insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(SSI);. Twenty-three senior pre-service science teachers participated in the study. Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(STEBI); was modified with an emphasis on SSI rather than scientific issues. The modified STEBI was applied to the participants before and after the intervention. As for the six-week intervention, three modules, which focused on understanding nature of SSI, teaching and assessing SSI, were followed by micro-teachings on selected SSI. At the end of six weeks, significant difference was found between pre and post-modified STEBI scores. Besides, there was a significant difference between pre and post scores on Personal Socio-scientific Issues Teaching Efficacy subscale, while no significant difference is reported on Socio-scientific Issues Teaching Outcome Expectancy subscale. The paper includes some suggestions for inclusion of SSI in science classes and for further studies on teaching efficacy on SSI.Keywords :