A Rare ıntracranial Mass of Childhood; Menengioma
Authors : Nurdan Gocgun, Türkan Ikizceli, Behice Kaniye Yılmaz, Yildiray Savas, Rüştü Turkay
Pages : 118-120
View : 161 | Download : 781
Publication Date : 2020-07-01
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :Meningioma is the most common extra parenchymal brain tumor in adults, originating from arachnoid cap cells in the brain, and is very rare in childhood. As pediatric meningiomas are rare, they have different and challenging epidemiological, radiological, and histopathological features than adults. We aimed to share a very rare case of meningioma in a 7-year-old girl presenting with sudden vision loss and seizures in the light of the literature.Keywords : Pediatrik beyin tümörleri, Atipik menenjiyom, Supratentoryal tümörler, Çocukluk çağı tümörleri