- Uluslararası Alan Eğitimi Dergisi
- Volume:9 Issue:1
- An Analysis of Postgraduate Theses Using Toulmin Argumentation Model in the Field of Mathematics Edu...
An Analysis of Postgraduate Theses Using Toulmin Argumentation Model in the Field of Mathematics Education in Turkey
Authors : Ahmet Adil ADAL
Pages : 16-37
View : 9 | Download : 6
Publication Date : 2023-04-05
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :The aim of this study is to examine the theses published in the field of mathematics education in Turkey in which Toulmin Argumentation Model was used. It has been analyzed how the prepared theses were distributed in terms of publication year-type, publication language, institute, university, keywords, aims and target audience. In this study conducted by document analysis method, 23 theses in the field of mathematics education, covering a total of 12 years until the end of 2022 without considering any start date, from the theses open to access in the National Thesis Center database of the Council of Higher Education insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(YÖK); were analyzed. The obtained studies were subjected to descriptive analysis and the analyzed data were presented in tables with frequency and percentage values. Within the scope of the research, some basic results were reached such as; argumentation studies using Toulmin Model in mathematics education have been studied more intensively from the past to the present, Turkish studies are conducted more frequently than English studies in terms of publication language, studies conducted at the doctoral level at the level of institutes are more or equal to the studies conducted at the master\`s level, university students and secondary school students are preferred more intensively in the selection of the target audience. This study aims to guide the studies that center on the Toulmin Argumentation Model in mathematics education. In addition, it is thought to contribute to the researchers to see the concentration or deficiencies in the field and to encourage the filling of the gap in the field by conducting applications with different study groups rather than working with the same study groups.Keywords : Matematik eğitimi, argümantasyon, Toulmin Argümantasyon Modeli, lisansüstü tez, doküman analizi