- Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi
- Volume:7 Issue:2
- Son Yapılan Düzenlemeler Işığında AB Rekabet Hukuku ve Politikasına Genel Bir Bakış
Son Yapılan Düzenlemeler Işığında AB Rekabet Hukuku ve Politikasına Genel Bir Bakış
Authors : Mustafa ATEŞ
Pages : 47-76
View : 15 | Download : 7
Publication Date : 2008-04-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :EC competition law and policy is seen one of the main tools for the creation of the common market and integrated Europe in every aspects. Fort this reason, EC pays utmost attention to the competition than some other policy areas. Since 1957, the date of foundation of the Community, competition law and policy has been continuously revised in a way that giving answer to the various requirements of the economy. Essentially, the most considerable changing in the Community competition law and policy was initiated late 1990's. In 1999, adopting the Regulation numbered 2790/1999, the EC reformed the regime of the exemption from anti-competitive behaviors of undertakings. Community, aboliting the Regulation numbered 17/62, put into force in 2004 the Modernization Regulation n ııııı bered 1/2003 dealing with the application of the antitrust provisions of the Treaty of Rome, namely Articles of 81 and 82. The Regulation numbered 139/2004 on concentration, which was forınerly called "merger regulation", was put into practice in 2004. Finally, the EC Commission launched a discussion on the issue of the dominant position in 2005. By means of those reforms, the national competition authorities and national courts have been giyen more power on the applications of the Community competition rules. Iz ı other words, they have much more role and authority on the competition law and practice in the Community dimension than they have ever been. Thus, the Commission is now able to deal with the greater and more important anti-competitive conducts. This article aims to give a brief overview of the Community competition law and policy with the framework of the recent reforms in the EC.Keywords : AT rekabet hukuku ve politikas ı, antitröst hukuku, AB