- Ankara Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi
- Volume:7 Issue:1
- Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy in Malignant Astrocytomas
Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy in Malignant Astrocytomas
Authors : Yıldız GÜNEY
Pages : 0-0
View : 15 | Download : 10
Publication Date : 2005-01-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Purpose: Afler convcntional doses of 55 10 65 Gy of fractionaled irradiation. anaplastic astrocytoma (AA) and gtiobla.s(on)a ınultitbrme (GBM) usually recur aı us orginal location. The preseni sludy was designcd lo deternıinc whclher hyperfraciionaıed radiolherapy (IIPRT) woııld improve local luınor control and patients' survival. Also Ihe factors effeeting thc prognosis in high gradc asirocyıoma weredetecicd. Conciusion; Although we obscrved prolonged survival ın our study compared wiıh the convcntional radiothcrapy results in the literatüre, hard to say it is relaled lo HF'RT dııe to small number of patients. Our sludy gives an idca ihal HFRT can be easily applied and side effects are well toleraled. Kcy Words: Radiolherapy; hyperfrac- lionated, malign asirocylomas. Materials and Methods; Bclwecn Decemher 1994 and January 1996, 24 patients wcre cnrolled to a prospeclive study. Patients were hislologically confirmed wiıh AA and GBM and previously untreaıed. A total dose of 69.6 G)' was delivered in 1.2 Gy fraclions twice daily with an inter\'al of 6 to 8 hours. 5 days per week. Clinical Target Volüme (CT\0 was established as Gross Tumor Volüme (GTV) plu.s 2-2.5 cm and 05 cm was added xs safety margin for Pknning Target Volüme (PT\0-Keywords : malign asirocylomas, Radiotherapy, Hyperfractionated