Extrauterine pregnancy in a chihuahua bitch
Authors : Ahmet Gözer, Onur Bahan, Gökhan Uyanik, Büşra Küçükkara, Ebru Arslanhan, Gökhan Doğruer
Pages : 66-72
View : 68 | Download : 47
Publication Date : 2024-01-15
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :A four-year-old, 5.3 kg multiparous female Chihuahua bitch was presented to the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University for a routine post-partum genital organ examination one day after parturition. Vital parameters were within the normal ranges. On vaginal examination, there was found no fetal structure in the birth canal. Transabdominal ultrasonography showed no distinct signs of a fetus. However, the radiographic examination detected a round, compact form of fetal skeletal structure in the abdomen. An exploratory laparotomy was decided to remove the fetal structure. Complete haematological and biochemistry analysis illustrated neutrophilia, thrombocytosis, and increased C-reactive protein level. During the surgery, a vascularised mass containing the fetus was removed from the abdomen. As a result of dissection and radiographic examination of the mass, it was determined that it contained a fetus. In conclusion, it was concluded that extrauterine pregnancy in bitches is asymptomatic and may be diagnosed by radiographic examination in the postpartum genital organ examination.Keywords : Köpek, ektopik, gebelik