- Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Smart Systems
- Volume:7 Issue:3
- FIR Filter Design Using Genetic Algorithm Implemented MATLAB and Asp.Net Based Web Educational Inter...
FIR Filter Design Using Genetic Algorithm Implemented MATLAB and Asp.Net Based Web Educational Interface
Authors : Zeynep GARİP, Ali Fuat BOZ
Pages : 367-372
View : 10 | Download : 6
Publication Date : 2019-09-28
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Today, the usage of filters in the signal and image processing area has become quite wider. The development in this area has also increased the usage of numerical filters. Understanding the principles and designing steps of these filters well provides a great convenience. In addition to this convenience, in recent years, the usage of Web laboratories in computer-aided education has become widespread. For this purpose, in this study, a new interactional web laboratory is proposed by using MATLAB for the course of numerical signal processing to help engineering students understand the filters and have practice. In the filter design, optimization of filter coefficients was carried out with genetic algorithm that is one of the evolutional algorithms. For the design of interface, MATLAB Web figure and ASP.NET platform have been used. There is no need to set up MATLAB program in the user computer to use the interface for users/students. Interface can be reached easily by using any free web browser. Thanks to this availability, the laboratory requirement of the students is established without restricting time and place. This web laboratory, which is designed for FIR filter, was tested by the students who are having/had numerical signal processing lecture in Sakarya University, Technology Faculty, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department and the results are presented in this study.Keywords : FIR filter, MATLAB Web figure, ASP NET, Genetic Algorithm, Computer Aided Learning