- Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
- Volume:49 Issue:2
- Hz. Muhammed’in Kabile Reislerini İslam Toplumuna Kazandırma Çabaları: Durumun Ebû Sufyân İbn Harb Ö...
Hz. Muhammed’in Kabile Reislerini İslam Toplumuna Kazandırma Çabaları: Durumun Ebû Sufyân İbn Harb Örneğinden Yola Çıkılarak Tahlili
Authors : Mizrap POLAT
Pages : 185-196
View : 16 | Download : 7
Publication Date : 2008-08-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :The resistance of many clan-chiefsagainst Islam until the conquest of Mekka should not be regarded only as an opposition of paganismto a monotheist religion, but also as a social, political and economic conflict between old and new,i.e. between the tradition of Arabic paganism and Islam as a new religion and social order. TheProphet's social, political and religious attempts of education he conducted on the elite group towhich he belonged intended to integrate them into the Islamic community and to make theirabilities useful for the community. In today's modern times, many things, in my opinion, can belearned from the Prophet's Sunnah to integrate the various ethnic, social and religious groups intothe communityKeywords : Prophetic Social Integration, Abu Sufyan Sarh Ibn Harb, The Umayyads, The Clan Chiefs of Jahiliyya