- Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
- Volume:43 Issue:2
- Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Hz. Peygamber'e Hitaplar (I)
Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Hz. Peygamber'e Hitaplar (I)
Authors : Muhammed Fatih KESLER
Pages : 91-119
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Publication Date : 2002-08-01
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :What has been done in this two-sectioned study is to present and analyze the modes and features of the Qur'ônic calls which institute, reorganize and overrule the behavioral moulds, cognitive forms, social and communal attitudes of the prophet of Islam, in particular; and socio-religious fabric and behavioral codes of the Early Islamic Community, in general. These Qur'anic calls which are the subject matter of this studyare order (emir), caution (ikaz), relieve (teselli), remember (hatırlatma), threat (tehdit), advice (tavsiye), and inform (bilgilendirme). In thisfirst seetion of this study, the four of these calls will be presented and evaluated, the rest will be subject matter of another study. As exercised over other messengers and apostles throughout the history of revelation before, this Divine method categorically preserves and reinforces the infallibility of the Prophet of Islam--save some minor mistakes-- and, thus, of the Revelatory role model as represented in the moral expressions of him. Hence, overriding all contrary speculations and disputes over the Prophet being a moral and social model, these features of the prophet prove that his practices and discourses are to be emulated and practiced as reinstituted by the Qur'ônic calls during the Revelatory Era. Succinctly, the Divine call reconstitutes its subject, i.e. the Prophet, via revelatory calls; then, the prophetic traditions reconstruct the community accordingly.Keywords : The Qur'an, Prophet, the calls, exegesis