Authors : İdris Ersan KÜÇÜK
Pages : 63-72
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Publication Date : 2016-08-25
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Performance art which was emerged in 1960’s is a form of art performing live in front of audiences. Performance Art is opposed to form,it emerges as a concept with emphasis on ideas. Terms of performance is recently theorized amongst the acedemic disciples are studied conceptually in a large field. insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(Küçükaksoy, 2013:61); So some meaning differences may emerge according to where it used. For example performing arts such as dance, theatre, cinema are conceptually different from performance art. Performance art is a branch of art produces non-repetitioninsert ignore into journalissuearticles values(unique); multidisipliner pieces by utilizing other art branches and all kinds of human actions. In this study, while the distinction between performing art and performance art care is taken, a comparative study will be carried out between Turkish folk dance and performance art. In this work, it will be given limited information about performance art as an intoductory level and than common points between innovator seekings in staging of Turkish folk dance and performance art will be explained acording to qualitative data analysis method which proposed by Harry F. Wolcott.Keywords : Key Words Folk Dance, Performance, Art