- Eurasian Journal of Soil Science
- Volume:11 Issue:2
- Effect of climatic conditions on the productive and biochemical characteristics of grape varieties g...
Effect of climatic conditions on the productive and biochemical characteristics of grape varieties grown on sierozem soil
Pages : 174-183
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Publication Date : 2022-04-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of climatic conditions on phenological observations, yield components and biochemical characteristics of grape varieties grown on sierozem soil of Turkestan region, Southern Kazakhstan. A total of 13 different medium and late grape ripening varieties known, loved and widely used by the local people for many years in cultivation were chosen. The phenological observations insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(date of budding and removable maturity date of grape); yield components insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(yield of grape, weight of bunch of grape, number of bunch of grapes, as well as productivity); and the biochemical characteristics insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(titratable acidity, glucoacidimetric index, glucose content, fructose content); of grape varieties were evaluated in three seasons insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(2018-2020);. During the vegetation period, date of budding and removable maturity date observations were made and recorded as day/month. As a result of the study, differences were found among local genotypes in terms of phenological stages. On the average of years, the earliest date of budding was recorded on 21 March with Children’s early and the latest date of budding was observed on 02 April Moldova and Victory. The highest yield and productivity were obtained from varieties Husayn kelin barmak and Chocolate grape varieties. Titratable acidity range was between 5 g/L – 8g/L, in average of years, the highest titratable acidity in late ripening grape varieties was found in Victory insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(7.3 g/L); while Moldova insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(6.0 g/L); had the lowest. Titratable acidity of Husayn kelin barmak insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(7.3 g/L); was determined also higher than the medium ripening grape varieties while Guzal Kara had the lowest, only 5.3 g/L. Glucose and fructose contents were determined as 8.58% and 11.04 in different grape varieties, respectively.Keywords : Sierozem soil, grape, climate, sugar, phenological observations