- International Journal on Lifelong Education and Leadership
- Volume:3 Issue:2
- Required Quality Standards for Augmented Reality Applications
Required Quality Standards for Augmented Reality Applications
Authors : Adem YILMAZ, Buket Ertuğrul AKYOL
Pages : 13-21
View : 11 | Download : 9
Publication Date : 2017-06-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :A lot of research is being done by researchers to increase the quality of service in education and training. The fact that today`s technology is advancing rapidly contributes to the whole field of life and undoubtedly contributes positively to education in many ways. In today`s world where real life is moving rapidly as a necessity of technology age, it has begun to take its place in teaching programs in some applications. Augmented reality is one of the applications that especially researchers are trying to include in the field of education and its popularity has increased in recent years. Within the scope of the study, it was aimed to determine the quality standards that should be included in the augmented reality applications. Sequential exploratory mixed method was used in the research process. It is stated that this method which provides qualitative data for research problem by collecting and analyzing qualitative data and then forming quantitative data according to the obtained data will provide effective advantages in many aspects as well as being advantageous to researchers and also being used in scale development studies. In this context, a 5-point likert type scale called `Augmented Reality Quality Standards Scale insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(ARQSS);` was used as data collection tool. The sample of the study is composed of 350 science teachers and 60 faculty members working in Turkey. A number of analyzes have been conducted in order to ensure validity and reliability of the ARQSS in the course of development and it has been determined that the EFA outcome KMO coefficient is .857 and the Barlett Sphericity test χ2 is significant at 1741.20 insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p <.05);. In addition, the CFA results showed that the goodness of fit indexes obtained were RMSEA 0.047, GFI 0.88, CFI 0.95, and SRMR 0.049. As a result of the analysis, a scale with 2 factors and 20 items and a reliability coefficient Cronbach`s Alpha 0.82 was developed. The application was made with the help of the developed scale and the quality standards that should be included in the applications of the Augmented Reality were determined taking the results obtained into consideration.Keywords : Augmented Reality