- Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists
- Volume:7 Issue:3
- Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Images about Their Past and Future Classrooms: Scratches from Indonesi...
Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Images about Their Past and Future Classrooms: Scratches from Indonesian Teacher Training Program at Islamic University
Authors : Muhamad IMADUDDİN, Anggun ZUHAİDA, Fitria Fatichatul HİDAYAH
Pages : 459-480
View : 11 | Download : 13
Publication Date : 2019-09-15
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This study explores the science class experiences of pre-service science teachers insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(PSTs); and reveals their images of own future classrooms. In addition, the discussion leads to the relationship between teaching style based on their images, gender, the type of educational background, the meaningfulness of science subjects, the response to school teacher’s classroom in the past, and the desire to be a science teacher in the future. This study involved 176 first-year pre-service science teachers taking the teacher training program at two Islamic Universities. Data collection used the modified Draw-A-Science Teacher Test Checklist insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(DASTT-C); instrument. The results showed that the teaching style drawn by pre-service teachers was dominated by teacher-centered insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(65%);, neither student-centered nor teacher-centered insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(24%);, and student-centered insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(11%);. There is no significant relationship between teaching style and gender, the type of institution at the previous level, the meaningfulness of science subjects, and the desire to be a science teacher in the future, but the description of their teaching style has a significant relationship with their responses to school-science teachers’ instruction. The response of PSTs to their past learning leads to how they present the future learning environment.Keywords : Pre service science teachers, Draw A Science Teacher Test Checklist instrument, Teacher training program, Teaching style, Teachers image