- Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices
- Volume:3 Issue:2
- Improving student mathematics learning outcomes through project-based learning models in online lear...
Improving student mathematics learning outcomes through project-based learning models in online learning
Authors : I Putu Pasek SURYAWAN, Ni Putu Ayu Gandhita LİANA, I Gusti Nyoman Yudi HARTAWAN, I Made SUGİARTA
Pages : 57-69
View : 18 | Download : 9
Publication Date : 2022-12-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This study aims to analyze the effect of project based learning assisted by google classroom and video conference on students\` mathematics learning outcomes. This research is a quasi-experimental. The research population was 148 high school class XI students. The sample selection of the experimental class and the control class used a random sampling technique cluster. The experimental class was 29 people while 29 people were in the control group. Hypothesis testing was carried out using an independent sample t-test with SPSS 22.0 with a significance level. Based on the results of data analysis showed that the average post-test in the experimental class was 74.3 and the control class was 63.1. The results of hypothesis testing produce a probability significance value, meaning that the hypothesis is accepted. The mathematics learning outcomes of class XI high school students who were taught using a project based learning assisted by google classroom and video conference were better than of students who were taught using conventional learning.Keywords : Project Based Learning, learning outcomes, google classroom, video conference