Teaching Virtual Reality and Immersive Design
Authors : Can Bora SEZER
Pages : 5-11
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Publication Date : 2019-12-31
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This Study aims to develop an elective Virtual Reality and Immersive Design Course insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(VR & Immersive Design); for the spring 2019 term by the Architecture and Design Faculty, Communication Design insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(COD); Department in Istanbul Özyeğin University. The Communication Design department has an optional Game Design path for its Final year - senior students and this course aligns with the said path. The research mainly focuses on the interdisciplinary aspects of creating virtual worlds and defines teaching methods, course content and course goals along with assigning individual tasks to different students with various interdisciplinary backgrounds as team members. Overall this paper examines the following questions; How immersive virtual environments are designed? How should Immersive Design be taught?Keywords : Education, Virtual Reality, Immersive Design, Interdisciplinary, game engines