- Marmara Medical Journal
- Volume:2 Issue:5 - Marmara Medical Journal
- Dısorders of sexual dıfferentıatıon and surgıcal correctıons
Dısorders of sexual dıfferentıatıon and surgıcal correctıons
Pages : 42-48
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Publication Date : 1989-06-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Patients with ambiguous genitalia who applied to our clinic are investigated and they are classified as true hermaphroditism, male and female pseudohermaphroditism. After chromosomal, psychological, hormonal, phenotypic and surgical evaluation, the final sex is determined and appropriate reconstructive surgery is performed. In six of our 18 patients we reassigned the female sex to male. 2 of our 18 patients are true hermaphrodites insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(one being male and the other is female);. 2 of them are female pseudohermaphrodites and 14 of them are male pseudohermaphrodites. 6 patients who underwent sexual reassignment were male pseudoher- maphrodiles. In our opinion the most important aspect of sex reassignment is psycho - sexual character. Phenotypic, chromosomal or gonadal sex are of secondary importance in determining the final sex.Keywords : Intcrscx reassignment of the sex treatment