- Marmara Medical Journal
- Volume:2 Issue:5 - Marmara Medical Journal
- Long-termed assessment of 307 retınal detachments wıth severe vıtreo-retınopathy treated wıth sılıco...
Long-termed assessment of 307 retınal detachments wıth severe vıtreo-retınopathy treated wıth sılıcone oıl ınjectıon and vıtrectomy
Authors : Y. Ozertürk, J.D. Scott
Pages : 52-58
View : 7 | Download : 4
Publication Date : 1989-06-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :We retrospectively reviewed the retinal detachment accompanied by advanced proliferative vitreo-reti- nopathy in 307 eyes of 300 patients who have been operated with silicone oil injection combined with vitrectomy, between 1975 and 1985. A complete retinal reattachment has been achieved in 80.45 % of cases, and a visual acuity of 1/60 or belter has also been obtained in 46.25 % of cases post operatively. The final rate of anatomic reattachment was 77.19 % and the final rate of visual acuity of 1/60 or better was 35.83 % at the end of a mean period of two years follow-up. Silicone oil, for the time being is the only alternative for the treatment of complex retinal detachment in which conventional surgery fails.Keywords : Silicone oil, complex retinal detachment, proliferative vitreo retinopathy