- Marmara Medical Journal
- Special Issue::2 Gastroenterology and Hepatology Viral Hepatitis Special Issue
- Dear colleagues
Dear colleagues
Authors : Osman Cavit ÖZDOĞAN
Pages : 1-1
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Publication Date : 2016-08-01
Article Type : Editorial
Abstract :In this special issue of Marmara Medical Journal, we arepresenting a brief journey of chronic viral hepatitis for theinternal medicine residents, internists, family medicinepractitioners and the medical students. Chronic viral hepatitisB, C and Delta infections are major health care problemsin all over the world as well as Turkey. In Turkey, majorcause of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma is hepatitisB with the prevalence of 4% in all over the country. Thereare differences between the regions in which Eastern andSoutheastern regions have the highest rates of HBV andDelta infections. Hepatitis C prevalence in Turkey is around1%, that is similar with the Western World which means thatalmost 800,000 people are infected in the country. HCVpatients mostly at advanced ages, have other comorbiditiesand increased probability of having hepatocellularcarcinoma. In this special issue, serological, pathologicaland biochemical features of chronic viral hepatitis infectionshave been discussed by the experts of these subjects for thereaders inorder to increase the brief knowledge and use it inclinical practice. However, in recent years there are manynewly developed drugs which have the complete cure ratesin HCV infection. Also current treatments of HBV, Deltainfection and HBV treatment in transplanted patients arediscussed by our expert colleagues for this issue. The otherimportant subject is prevention by the vaccines; in this issue,current and new vaccines are discussed in detail by me andmy coauthor. Finally, we have a very sophisticated guestauthor from Spain, Dr. Juan Carlos Abraldes who discussedthe non-invasive diagnosis of portal hypertension in chronicliver disease patients. I hope this special issue will be veryhelpful for you to increase your knowledge in the Era ofchronic viral hepatitis.Keywords :