- Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi
- Volume:11 Issue:24
Authors : Cengiz ALYILMAZ
Pages : 0-0
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Publication Date : 2010-02-25
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :ÖZET İnsanlık tarihinin en eski ve en işlek yollarından biri de Asya'dan Avrupa'ya, Avrupa'dan Afrika'ya kadar uzanan İpek Yolu'dur. Türk boyları tarafından farklı dönemlerde İpek Yolu güzergahlarına birbirinden güzel şehirler, kültür-sanat eserleri, anıtlar ve yazıtlar inşa edilmiştir. Türk tarihinin ve dilinin en eski yazılı belgelerinden Orhun yazıtları da İpek Yolu'nun kollarından biri üzerinde bulunmaktadır. ABSTRACT The Silk Road, one of the most ancient and busy main roads, and expanding from Asia to Europe is a way through which not only silk but also a lot cultural and civilization components were transfered from one point ofthe world to another one. In this way the Silk Road served as almost a bridge among various cultures and civilizations during the centuries, and afforded to becoming of some collective values and thoughts in the geographical areas connected with another one by this road. The period ofTurkish Qaghanate in VIlth-VIIIth centuries has a very different place in the history of the Turks when it was taken into account its very extensive frontiers, Turks' relations with other nations such as social, political and commercial, their wars againt the neighbours, and their very valuable cultural and art works which were left behind them. Now. there are a lot monuments and inscriptions left by them in Mongolia, and most of them were erected along with the course of the Silk Road very consciously. For example, Bilge Qaghan, the ruler of the Turks says in Kol Tigin Inscription that he ereeted this monument on one of the most busy, accessible and central roads in order that every one can know and learn the information on these insciptions. In real, both some other data in the inscriptions and the parallel to them historical sources become clear that the central road mentioned by the Qaghan is one ofbranches of the Silk Road.Keywords :