Industry 4.0 Journey and Key Resources
Authors : Yavuz ÖZKAYA
Pages : 31-39
View : 14 | Download : 10
Publication Date : 2020-12-22
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Contemporary industry development has continued for hundreds of years, and has undergone three major changes. Today, a new process, which is the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, has been introduced. Industry 4.0 is a goal and aims to bring information technologies and all vital systems together. Industry 4.0; It is a set of mechanisms consisting of three processes: internet services, internet of things and cyber physical systems. The fourth industrial revolution, which will bring the new world order, all of the production and living areas will have smart equipment and the systems will work in an integrated manner. It is inevitable for firms to apply the fourth industrial revolution to their organizations in order to protect and sustain their existence in the current competitive environment. In this context, in the study, information about the process leading to the fourth industrial revolution, the concept of Industry 4.0 was emphasized and brief information about the cyber physical system, internet of things, data analytics, big data and smart factories, which are used as important sources for the success of this revolution, are included.Keywords : Intelligent Production, Industry 4 0, Industrial Revolution