Mesâi-i Lisâniye ve Cenab Şahabeddin
Authors : Gülçin Tuğba NURDAN
Pages : 240-255
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Publication Date : 2023-03-31
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This study considers the article titled \`Mesâi-i Lisâniye\` written by Cenab Şahabeddin in the first issue of Darülfünun Literature Magazine, which was started to be published in March 1916 under Istanbul Darülfünun control. The original of the text is three and a half pages. It is included in the appendices of the study. Within the framework of this article, language issues of Cenab Şahabeddin and the period were emphasized. When we look at the Servet-i Period, it is quite remarkable that the language has a lot of foreign words due to the lack of lexicon. In this article, Cenab Şahabeddin focuses on how essential it is to establish a language institution. For this, Cenab Şahabeddin, who recommends the establishment of language committees and working in a systematic way, also emphasizes that these language issues should be based on education. As a result, Cenab Şahabeddin underlines the importance of the language issue and points that this issue should be dealt with great care in every aspect. In his article, he made various suggestions to achive this. In this context, it is possible to evaluate this attitude of Cenab Şahabeddin as quite prograssive for his period.Keywords : Darülfünun Edebiyat Mecmuası, Cenab Şahabeddin, Mesâi i Lisâniye, edebiyat, dil