- Bilimname
- Volume:2018 Issue:35
- İmam Hatip Meslek Dersleri Öğretmenlerinin Materyal Geliştirme Durumları
İmam Hatip Meslek Dersleri Öğretmenlerinin Materyal Geliştirme Durumları
Authors : Mehmet KORKMAZ
Pages : 175-216
View : 9 | Download : 8
Publication Date : 2018-04-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract : The Situations of Instructional Materials Development of Imam Hatip Schools Vocational Teachers Abstract This study was aimed at determining the situation of material development of Imam Hatip School vocational courses teachers. The research is a survey model. According to the this research results was made in Kayseri sample, Majority of the participant teachers suffer from inappropriate materials to the students and topics at their lessons. Most of teachers come to schools with making preparation. Participant teachers continue using current teaching materials and also try to prepare their own materials. Introduction and Purpose of the Study The Religious educational process has four basic variables. These are students, teachers, programs and the environment. The most important of these variables are the teachers. The teachers must/should plan, apply and evaluate the educational process. They should use teaching methods and tools in this process. With the development of technological possibilities, the number of teaching materials that can be used in religious education has increased. Educational materials can make lessons more fun and educational, and it can offers to students a rich learning experience. For this reason, effective use of materials by the religious teachers can contribute to the reduction of problems such as indifference, reluctance and boredom in religious education. The main purpose of this research was to determine the situation of material development by the Imam Hatip School vocational courses teachers. In this context, some questions asked are; 1- Are they having trouble finding instructional materials? What are these troubles? 2- How much did they develop educational materials in the process of Religious education? 3- How did they get them? 4- What kind of materials did they develop most? 5- What are they paying attention to when developing them? 6- What kind of problems they have experienced in this process? And similar questions are asked and answered Method The research is a survey model that describes the current situation. In the study datas were gathered by questionnaire on 82 Imam Hatip School vocational courses teachers in Kayseri province. 21 IBM SPSS insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(Statistical Package for Social Sciences); software program was used to test hypotheses generated for the purposes of research. Quantitative analyses methods insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(means, percentages);, were used in analyzing the data. 56 % of the participants are men and 44 % are women. % 45 of them working at imam hatip high school, % 39 are imam hatip midle school, % 16 are both of them. Results and Discussion According to this research results, the participant teachers say they are having trouble finding instructional materials . Some of the teachers have said that they have not prepared their materials because of the inadequacy of the class hours. Nevertheless, they do not see themselves inadequate in material development, and the proportion of teachers who prepare their own materials has been expected to be low. They generally prefer to use ready-made materials. They provide materials from their colleagues and internet sites. The worksheet, the concept map, the slide are the materials that they get the most from the internet. The materials they do not prepare are short films, puzzles and slides. The proportion of teachers who prepare material for their students is also very low. Most of the materials that prepared by their students 13 % model-real goods and 11% worksheets);. When the teachers preparing materials for religious instruction, they were paying attention to the content compliance most. To be suitable for students’ features and grade follow them. A little number of teachers say that they developing materials according to the teaching aims and functions.It is concluded that imam hatip secondary school teachers are more sensitive about developing materials than İmam Hatip High School Teachers. Additionally, female teachers are developing these materials more often than the male teachers. At the end of this survey, it was discovered, despite the fact that the teachers were having trouble finding instructional materials they did not develop their Instructional materials. Because, a large group of teachers, 82.5%, saw themselves as lacking in teaching technology and material development. Also according to this data and researches done in the past years. Religious Education Teachers are developing their materials have increased but some teachers insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(who are working at İmam hatip high schools); don’t know functions of materials and they don’t develop them in their lessons. Suggestions The issue can be focused especially on teachers Imam Hatip High School lessons. These suggestions can be expressed in the light of these results. The Ministry Of National Education, The General Directorate Of Religious Education can work on this subject. Information and materials banks can be created in virtual environment where the institutions for the imam hatip schools courses, also material samples. It is possible to increase the number of sharing sites where materials related to the field of Religious Education especially Imam Hatip High School lessons are collected. And they can be give information about Instructional Technology and Material Development course for Imam Hatip Schools teachers. Further research can be done in this subject. Keywords: Religious educatin, Imam Hatip Schools teachers, Instructional Technology and Material Development.Keywords : din öğretimi, imam hatip meslek dersi öğretmenleri, materyal geliştirme