- Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma
- Volume:16 Issue:2
- Bibliometric analysis of climate crisis and climate change research
Bibliometric analysis of climate crisis and climate change research
Authors : Galip USTA
Pages : 158-171
View : 74 | Download : 141
Publication Date : 2023-08-15
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Climate change is a worldwide issue that can influence the way of life of all living beings. This study aims to perform a bibliometric analysis of climate crisis and climate change scientific studies. Bibliometric analyses give an in-depth assessment of the literature\`s publications on the subject, the identification of scientific research trends on the subject, the evaluation of researcher collaboration, and the evaluation of significant issues. The study is qualitative research, and a bibliometric research method was used. The research data was first accessed on 04 August 2022 insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(Time: 14:34); from the \`Web of Science\` database as an online search. However, some data were revised on 18 July 2023 insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(Time: 15:00); using the same database in order to include up-to-date data in the study. The obtained data were transferred to VOSviewer software and analyzed. According to the survey, climate-related articles most used keywords include climate change, climate crisis, sustainability, environment, climate justice, and Anthropocene. Most of the studied papers are from many disciplines, such as environmental sciences, meteorology atmospheric studies, ecology, geosciences multidisciplinary, and environmental studies. When the publications on climate catastrophe are examined by country, the most cited countries are England, Canada, United States, Sweden, and Norway. As a result, international scientific collaboration and data exchange are critical for a successful battle against climate change and the climate crisis. Collaboration and information exchange between disciplines can result in more effective and inclusive solutions. Encouraging studies in other languages and knowing common terminology can help to promote global collaboration. The examination and assessment of scientific findings are vital in enhancing societal awareness and resilience, as well as in developing long-term policyKeywords : Afet, Bibliyometrik analiz, İklim değişikliği, İklim krizi, Sürdürülebilirlik