Fungal diseases on almond in Isparta province
Pages : 43-55
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Publication Date : 2009-11-10
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :In this study, almond orchards in Isparta province were surveyed for investigation of diseases during the years 2007–2008. Fungal pathogens, Polystigma ochraceum [insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(Wahl.); Sacc.], Wilsonomyces carpophilus [insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(Lév.); Adaskaveg, Ogawa, & E. E., Butler] and Phellinus tuberculosus [insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(Baumg.); Niemelä] were determined on the almond samples. So as to determine their distributions, counts were carried out in totally 17 orchards of 4 districts. P. ochraceum was found to be the most common fungus followed by P. tuberculosus and W. carpophilus in the province. Infection rates of P. ochraceum and P. tuberculosus were the highest in Senirkent district as respectively 100% and 48.96%. W. carpophilus was found to be the most common fungal pathogen in Eğirdir district with 17.24% infection rate.Keywords : Isparta, badem, fungal hastalıklar, Polystigma ochraceum, Wilsonomyces carpophilus, Phellinus tuberculosus, yakalanma oranı